Wedding Welcome Bags

My sister is officially married!!! WHAT!? We had such a wonderful weekend of family, friends, and celebrating.

A lot goes in to planning a wedding. And I truly love it. One of my responsibilities  was to prepare the Welcome Bags that guests would receive upon arriving at the hotel. (Note: We only prepared bags for guests staying in Bolivar.) Welcome Bags aren’t necessary, but it’s something extra my family decided to do.

Here’s What I Included:

  1. Welcome Note – This may go without saying, but including a little “hello” on your bag adds a personal touch and is sure to put a smile on your guest’s face. It doesn’t have to be specific to each person, just something to let your guests know you’re thinking of them and are glad they took the time to come.


  2. Maps to the Venues – Yes, I know we all use our phones to get around these days, but I still think a map is helpful for those who like the old-fashioned way ;). Plus, it gave me a reason to design another insert.

    Pink Maps

  3. To Do – Some of your guests may have never visited your hometown. Give them a list of your favorite spots!


  4. Treats – An obvious and important part. Isaak & Faith in particular love nature, so I thought trail-mix would be fun. I then topped the bags off with a few sweet strawberry chocolate chip cookies. YUM! (Tip: Do as much ahead of time as possible. I made the cookies about a week before and put them in the freezer.)


The wedding was beautiful and wonderful. Welcome to the family, Isaak!

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